Adventures in Nature for Children this Summer

Enjoy exciting days of discovery, creativity, fun and adventure in nature this Summer at Springhead.

Each day has been designed to make the most of our spectacular setting and will be led by our own team of educators with some special guests. Available to children aged 8-13 years for up to three days each.

Who... Open to all children aged 8-13 years inclusive

When… 20th, 21st and 22nd August

Sunrise club 8.30-10.00am
Main session 10.00am-4.00pm
Sunset club 4.00-5.30pm


£35 per child per day (£95 for all three days)
optional extras: Sunrise club £5 per day per child; Sunset club £5 per day per child

Summer at Springhead is delivered by Learn with Springhead: a collaboration of The Springhead Trust and Lifeworlds Learning CiC
For more information or to book a place, visit


Springhead is a charity
Registration number: 1112083
Company register number: 5370640

The Springhead Trust is a small charity, so any support you give will make a big difference. With your help, we can continue preserving our historic buildings and gardens for the benefit of all, and give more children and groups the opportunity to enjoy the countryside and arts, and learn about sustainable living.

Fontmell Magna
Dorset SP7 0NU

Phone: 01747 811853
Email: [email protected]

© 2025 The Springhead Trust | All rights reserved