The Springhead Trust is funded from a variety of sources.
A major part of our income comes through our programme of school and group visits, although we keep prices for these services low in order to maximise the number of people who can benefit from them. In addition we raise revenue through running events such as seasonal fairs and performances at our open-air theatre.
We also generate income to support our charitable activities through holding weddings at Springhead, and hiring out the venue for other private functions.
Further income comes through the generosity of individuals who support us by becoming Friends of Springhead or making donations, and through grants from charitable trusts and other bodies.
We also receive some funding from grants, and are very grateful to all those who have helped fund out work, including the following grant givers, charitable trusts and foundations which have contributed (since 2010):
Awards for All
The Banister Charitable Trust
The Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust
The CLA Charitable Trust
The Cranborne Chase AONB
The Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage
Dorset Council
The Edgar Lee Foundation
The Elmgrant Trust
The Ernest Cook Trust
Frugi’s Happy Childhood Fund
The Garfield Weston Foundation
Greggs Foundation
The HDH Wells Charitable Trust
The Hedley Foundation
The Hilden Charitable Fund
The Historic Houses Foundation
Historic England
The John Spedan Lewis Foundation
The LEADER Programme (Northern Dorset) – Rural Development Programme for England
The Leonard Laity Stoate Charitable Trust
The National Lottery Heritage Fund
The Naturesave Trust
The Nineveh Trust
North Dorset District Council
The Oliver Morland Charitable Trust
The Pilgrim Trust
The Postcode Local Trust
The Southall Trust
The Swire Charitable Trust
The Sylvia Waddilove Foundation
The Valentine Charitable Trust
The William Dean Countryside and Educational Trust
The Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers
Wiltshire County Council
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:
Europe investing in rural areas