“Earth, Fire, Water, Spring” – 5th-11th February 2024
John Austin-Williams, Imogen Bittner, Mala Hassett, June Lisle and Helen Simpson present an eclectic exhibition to celebrate and coincide with the first signs of Spring and the snowdrops at Springhead. This exhibition brings together five members of the Dorset Salon ...
Revamped roof is raised
After many months of planning, fundraising and building works, Springhead’s mill building has a new roof

Springhead’s volunteer team grows
With a new Winter Wednesdays group, and a growing Garden Gang, Springhead’s volunteers are making a big difference

Hands-on history
Mesolithic flint blades and iron age pottery are among the exciting finds dug up by volunteers as part of an archaeological project being carried out at Springhead this summer and autumn.

Growing to give
Springhead is now working with a new national scheme to help supply fresh vegetables for local families in need.