Productive gardens

Springhead has a tradition of growing organic produce and there is an organic covenant in place.

In the early days of the organic movement, Springhead supplied produce to London’s first health food shop in Baker Street, and later to Cranks, which in the 1970s became the UK’s first chain of vegetarian restaurants. Fresh produce is still produced on a small scale, for school children and other visitors.

Now that ownership and management of the gardens has passed to the Springhead Trust, the plan is to restore and develop the kitchen gardens and orchards both in order to grow more fresh produce and to use them as a learning resource. The Trust is actively fundraising for capital costs such as new greenhouses and polytunnels, and for the cost of planning, setting up and looking after the productive gardens.


Springhead is a charity
Registration number: 1112083
Company register number: 5370640

The Springhead Trust is a small charity, so any support you give will make a big difference. With your help, we can continue preserving our historic buildings and gardens for the benefit of all, and give more children and groups the opportunity to enjoy the countryside and arts, and learn about sustainable living.

Fontmell Magna
Dorset SP7 0NU

Phone: 01747 811853
Email: [email protected]

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